Thursday, December 9, 2010

Are they all yours?

All joking aside! I wrote this because over the years it has just become very amusing to see other people's reaction to our shopping trips out with all the children. As a matter of fact, I was out at Wal-Mart yesterday doing some food shopping and other miscellaneous things. Picture the scene: I had a cart for the groceries followed by a cart with my 4-year-old and my 5-year-old being pushed by my 12-year-old; this followed by my 9-year-old pushing my 1-year-old in the umbrella stroller. It was like a train rolling down the tracks of the "stuff mart." Everyone stops to stare as if we are all dressed like elves wearing those funny reindeer head pieces as well. Most of the time I can see folks counting silently with their lips still moving.... and then they look at me with this look of pity or amazement; probably a combination of both.

I never used to let it bother me and sometimes I still don't, but there are days when I just want to get in and get out without the popular, "Are they ALL yours?" or "How do you do it?" or the even more intrusive, "Are you planning on having any more?" as if that is ANY of their business!

I have days of melancholy when I think of my one and a half year old outgrowing things like the bouncy seat or the need of a head-rest, walker etc. I put these items away or lately have been giving them away. We will not be having any more: orders from my Obstetrician. My body just cannot handle any more children. My womb is just too fragile to chance any more. My life and my youngest child's life was already in danger with the last pregnancy. So, as God would have it, we are complete at six. At 42 years old I feel a sense of relief on most days! I am enjoying my little one - watching her grow and go through all of those last milestones that I will not experience any more, except perhaps with my Grandchildren, Lord willing!

We are a bit of a freak show when we go out. Others stare at us like we are some kind of circus act, but I have learned through the years to ignore them. On some rare moments we do get a compliment, mostly when we go out to a restaurant. The children are very well behaved when we go out. Someone inevitably will say, "I have to tell you how well behaved your children are!" Those are the moments I smile to myself and think that we are doing a good job! It is very difficult juggling the chores of a small farm, raising six children, homeschooling four of them and working part time from home through all the noise, but this is the life God has blessed us with and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Jordana said...

"I drive that ROCKING fifteen passenger out's how we roll." (hula dancing) (big huge truck in the background)


Kelly said...

My favorite part, especially when you do the impression of it!